Preparing for surgery can help you achieve the best possible results and the least amount of recovery possible. For hernia surgery, it’s important to understand how a hernia occurs to avoid another one occurring in the future. Femoral hernias occur in the groin just below the crease of the thigh. A femoral hernia develops in a small and tight pocket located between your abdomen and thigh. If your primary doctor diagnoses a femoral hernia, you should immediately ask your doctor to refer you to a surgeon so that you can undergo femoral hernia surgery.
Because of its location, femoral hernia is more likely to undergo incarceration and strangulation than any other hernia. When this occurs, the hernia may rupture. It is a very serious and potentially life-threatening diagnosis. A surgical emergency that can be avoided if you seek immediate surgery to repair the femoral hernia. By waiting or putting off treatment of a femoral hernia you are putting yourself at risk. Hernia specialists are best suited for femoral hernia repair surgery. At the Hernia Center of Southern of Southern California our Board Certified General Surgeons have performed over 12,000 hernia surgeries over the last 25 years.